Wednesday, September 16, 2009

List of children's songs

Alphabet Song
Are you sleeping
Ba ba black sheep
Hot cross bun
If you are happy and you know it
London bridge
Mary had a little lamb
Old MacDonald
Rain rain go away
Twinkle twinkle little star

Please note that you cannot pick any song from this list to write your lesson plan. Again, I repeat... none of these songs can be used for your lesson plan#1.


Journal#1 is due on Sept. 20 (11:59pm). Post it on your blog!

There is a set of guidelines I wrote for you to consider when you write your journal. Make sure you take care of typo and grammatical error. In order to obtain full points, your journal must be reflective, insightful, and coherent. Follow the format I gave (you can find that in the syllabus packet).


Lesson plan for Singing
You will have to write your lesson plan based on the format I gave you in class today. In this lesson plan, you will have to design an activity based on the song of your choice (children's song) and the grade to which you want to teach this activity. Follow what we learned in class to write your lesson plan. You have to post your lesson plan on your blog by 11:59pm Friday (Sept. 18).
Make sure each of the steps in your procedue is "readable" and "doable." After finishing writing your lesson, you have to practice "operating" each step so that when you have to teach it in class next week, you will know how it goes.
I will use my weekend to check everyone's lesson plan. So, make sure you check on the comment I make to that particular post on Sunday evening.