Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cindy Teaching 1


Caitlin Courtright - Music 373 said...

Musicianship: 5 points, she sang in tune, had accurate rhythm and appropriate tempo. She knew the song really well.

Leadership: 10 points, she was very energetic and used a loud voice. She was also good about making eye contact.

Preparation: 14 points. She seemed to know the music well, but had to look at her lesson plan once or twice.

Delivery: 19 points. She did good job at capturing the students attention, but probably could have broken the dance or the lyrics up a little more.

Over all I think she did a really good job because she seemed really excited about teaching this song. It also seemed like she was very well prepared.

Kelly Coughlin said...

Musicianship: 4 points, she sang in tune, had accurate rhythm and appropriate tempo. Even though she did know the song well she more spoke sang then song then really singing. She should have used her head voice to sing and to demonstrate.

Leadership: 8 points, she did a decently good job on being energetic.She used a loud voice so everyone could here but monitone. As a teacher I would have been a bit peppier and would try to draw their attention by maybe speaking more like them then so serious. She was also good about making eye contact.

Preparation: 13 points. She seemed to know the music well but but as a teacher I believe you should memorize your lesson instead of having to look at it.

Delivery: 16 points. She did a pretty good job at capturing the students attention. I would have broken the phrasing down and have them repeat it to me first.Then step by step she could have done the dance per each phrase.

As a whole I believe that the presentation was good over all. She was very well prepared but i think she should havememorized a but more. She also could have broken it down more. Otherwise it was good.