Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nakia Teaching 1

1 comment:

Emily Goins said...


Musicianship: 4 points- Nakia seemed to be well in tune with an accurate pitch. Her rhythm and tempo seemed pretty good too. Her phrasing was ok but maybe her expression could have been better because she couldve been a bit more excited.

Leadership: 9 points. Her leadership skills in presenting this lesson were very good. She seemed very confident about presenting this lesson to her class. I think that her body language, facial expression, voice tone and volume, and eye contact were all pretty good for getting the students excited about the song. Her intensity/energy was the only thing I noticed that could've been higher.

Preparation: 15 points. Her lesson seemed very well prepared. She knew exactly what she was going to teach at which moment and didnt seem to be nervous about it at all. She had all her equipment ready before the lesson and her knowledge of the music and her plan seemed to be perfect for this song.

Delivery of Instruction: 20 points. Nakia's delivery seemed excellent for this instuction. It's very difficult to do this assignment in front of your own classmates and not feel nervous but she pulled it off, she seemed very confident, which is a quality that teachers must have. She definately motivated and captured the attention of her students by the outside equipment she used as well as talking about Thanksgiving because she was relating the song to her students lives and getting them more personally involved. Her plan seemed well organized and carried out and her closure seemed appropriate for the lesson as well.

Total points: 48