Friday, February 20, 2009

Whitley Teaching 1


Emily Goins said...


Musicianship: 3 points. Her rhythm and tempo seemed quite accurate as well as her phrasing and expression, however I think her pitch in her voice was a little low and when she played the recorder she had some pitch and wind issues.

Leadership: 9 points. Her leadership in presenting this lesson was very good. She seemed confident in front of the class and her body language, eye contact and facial expressions were all good and appropriate for this song. She also had good intensity and energy in front of the students to get them excited from this song.

Preparation: 14 points. Her preparation was pretty good. She seemed like she practiced her lesson a few times. The only thing I thought she could have practiced more on was playing the song on the recorder because it was a bit shaky on it. But her knowledge of the music and her plan seemed pretty good and she had all equipment ready on hand.

Delivery of Instruction: 20 points.
She did well in relating the song to her students because she asked at the beginning if any of the students knew a Betty or a Martin. Her questioning was also very good because she asked questions to the students throughout the lesson to get them more active and involved. She also did well in motivating the students because she got excited with them in singing the song and did well in involving the students in the song too. Her lesson also flowed pretty well with good pace and feedback.

Total Points: 46

Anonymous said...

Musicianship: 3

Whitley seemed to have sung in tune, but I think that her pitch was a little low. Also on the recorder, there were a couple of obvious mistakes made.

Leadership: 9

Whitley's leadership was great. She had energy and she made eye contact with her students, but I feel that her facial expressions could have been a bit more on the happy side.

Preparation: 14

Her preparation was good. She appeared to be ready. I would only suggest for next time to practice playing the song on the recorder more.

Delivery of Instruction: 20

Whitley's delivery of instruction was presented very well. I liked how she introduced the song. Talking about cookies made it more engaging and the movements were interactive. She asked the students what movements should they do. She had a great explanation of the song and the reason for the movements/tone ex. whispering & tip toeing The humor about the old lady with the cane was cute. I would suggest to work on not using the word "finna" and think of other ways to praise besides great job.

Total points: 46