Her musicianship was great. Her tune and pitch was very accurate. The students followed along by clapping the rhythm. I would give her 5 out of 5. Her leadership was also well done She made contact with each of her students. She had energy and spoke with authority. She spoke with a very dominate voice which shows that she is in control. She could have included some motions along with the lesson. I would give her 9 out of 10. Her preparation was great. She was very prepared; she knew what her lesson was about and demonstrated it in a knowledgeable way. She explained the notes and clapping very well. I would give her 15 out of 15. Her delivery was focused, motivating and organized. She went at a good enough pace so that the second graders could follow along. She went through each step and explained what she expected very well I would give her 20 out of 20. She also asked if anyone had questions which are always great at the end of a lesson so the students can fully understand. She also went through it multiple times which allowed the students to understand and remember the whole song. Overall good job!!! I would give her 49 out of 50. Some other suggestions would be: I think she should have sung the song first all the way through so the students would slightly recognize the words and rhythm. In second grade some students would be to shy to demonstrate in front of the whole class. Maybe asking two or three students to do it together that would allow them to be less shy.
A. I think I was very creative when creating this lesson plan. I wrote the song, thinking it would be fun for students to sing about dessert, while learning musical concepts. I really enjoyed making this song and putting together the lesson plan. I think that I made the lesson interesting for the class and kept their attention well. I think I had a good tone of voice, and that I spoke loud and clear.
B. I think what went wrong was how fast I spoke during my lesson. When I get nervous, I tend to speed up my words and talk really fast. Even at the beginning, I said “good morning class” and messed up, meaning to say “good afternoon class”. If I would have just taken a deep breath and slowed down, I most likely wouldn’t have messed up. I also have to remember to talk slow to younger children. I think the only thing that made me nervous was the fact that I knew I was being videotaped.
C. If I had the chance to redo my lesson plan, I would have taken more time to practice if before presenting it to the class. I felt prepared, but when I got up in front of my group, I kind of froze. I think if I would have practiced more, I would have felt even more prepared and wouldn’t have gotten as nervous. To add to my lesson, I probably would have written the notes on the board for the class to see, just like Dr. Wang does in class for us. That way students also have a visual to learn from as well as hearing the song and clapping along to the beat.
Carla did an awesome job with her lesson plan. Her musicianship was great, the song she selected was age apprpopriate and how she taught it to the students step by step was a great idea.Leadership wise, her approach of sitting with the children in a close circle created an great environment for learning with students of this age. She was prepared and well versed with the words and key point she wanted to outline about her song. The delievery of instruction was good. She chose a very affective way of breaking down the elements of the song, as far as the beat and got the student participation in counting the beats. Overall I give her a 48. Musicianship- 5 Leadership- 9 Preparation- 16 Delievery- 19
Her musicianship was great. Her tune and pitch was very accurate. The students followed along by clapping the rhythm. I would give her 5 out of 5. Her leadership was also well done She made contact with each of her students. She had energy and spoke with authority. She spoke with a very dominate voice which shows that she is in control. She could have included some motions along with the lesson. I would give her 9 out of 10. Her preparation was great. She was very prepared; she knew what her lesson was about and demonstrated it in a knowledgeable way. She explained the notes and clapping very well. I would give her 15 out of 15. Her delivery was focused, motivating and organized. She went at a good enough pace so that the second graders could follow along. She went through each step and explained what she expected very well I would give her 20 out of 20. She also asked if anyone had questions which are always great at the end of a lesson so the students can fully understand. She also went through it multiple times which allowed the students to understand and remember the whole song. Overall good job!!! I would give her 49 out of 50.
Some other suggestions would be: I think she should have sung the song first all the way through so the students would slightly recognize the words and rhythm. In second grade some students would be to shy to demonstrate in front of the whole class. Maybe asking two or three students to do it together that would allow them to be less shy.
Lesson: I Like Ice Cream, I Like Cake Song
Musicianship: 5/5
Leadership 10/10
Preparation 14/15
Delivery of Instruction 20/20
TOTAL: 49/50
A. I think I was very creative when creating this lesson plan. I wrote the song, thinking it would be fun for students to sing about dessert, while learning musical concepts. I really enjoyed making this song and putting together the lesson plan. I think that I made the lesson interesting for the class and kept their attention well. I think I had a good tone of voice, and that I spoke loud and clear.
B. I think what went wrong was how fast I spoke during my lesson. When I get nervous, I tend to speed up my words and talk really fast. Even at the beginning, I said “good morning class” and messed up, meaning to say “good afternoon class”. If I would have just taken a deep breath and slowed down, I most likely wouldn’t have messed up. I also have to remember to talk slow to younger children. I think the only thing that made me nervous was the fact that I knew I was being videotaped.
C. If I had the chance to redo my lesson plan, I would have taken more time to practice if before presenting it to the class. I felt prepared, but when I got up in front of my group, I kind of froze. I think if I would have practiced more, I would have felt even more prepared and wouldn’t have gotten as nervous. To add to my lesson, I probably would have written the notes on the board for the class to see, just like Dr. Wang does in class for us. That way students also have a visual to learn from as well as hearing the song and clapping along to the beat.
Carla did an awesome job with her lesson plan. Her musicianship was great, the song she selected was age apprpopriate and how she taught it to the students step by step was a great idea.Leadership wise, her approach of sitting with the children in a close circle created an great environment for learning with students of this age. She was prepared and well versed with the words and key point she wanted to outline about her song. The delievery of instruction was good. She chose a very affective way of breaking down the elements of the song, as far as the beat and got the student participation in counting the beats. Overall I give her a 48.
Musicianship- 5
Leadership- 9
Preparation- 16
Delievery- 19
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