Sunday, October 4, 2009

Edith P


Edith Pacheco said...

In reviewing my lesson plan teaching I was able to see things I did well and things I will improve for the next lesson plan. I think that my pitch and tune were correct except for when I forget the words to my song! I think that as much as I thought I prepared to teach my lesson plan my nerves got the best of me. I was nervous at the beginning and perhaps tried to think how to make the lesson plan go fast but smooth since we had run out of class time. I think that I recovered quickly and continued with the lesson plan without allowing that to discourage me. I had the class follow a steady beat and noticed that it was a little faster than what I intended it to be. My body language was well and composed. I noticed that I was making facial expressions that I need to be careful with to not send the wrong message. My tone was clear when singing and giving instruction, however the volume could be higher. I eased in to the lesson plan as I had the class practice the song and looked more confident. I think that my enthusiasm for a third grade class was appropriate and would have a good response from this age group. I miscounted the number of turkeys we were adding to the song at one point but once again apologized to the class and clarified what number we were working with. I asked questions regarding the musical and non-musical concepts of the lesson. I think that overall I did a good job with my lesson plan and can apply it to a real life situation. Watching myself on video has helped me identify the areas that need improvement and I will address these things for the next teaching.

I give myself 44/50 points for my lesson plan.

Steve said...

Musicianship-5 pts
She was in tune and had the correct pitch.
Leadership-10 pts
She did very well in keeping eye contact with everyone in the class. She spoke as if she was an adult and gave very good and easy directions for the students to follow. She also spoke very clear and loud so everyone could hear.
Preparation-12 pts
I only took off 3 pts for forgetting the song in the beginning. Other than that I think she did a great job. She had papers prepared for the class to be turkeys and someone was playing the piano which means that sheet music was provided.
Delivery of Instruction-20 pts
In this section Edith did phenomenal. While she was not in my group, I watched and stayed engaged and wanted to know what was coming next. I even tried going along with her as she did the lesson. She did mess up in the beginning, but bounced back really well to continue the lesson.

Sophie JC said...

You should be more confident in yourself. I think you're well prepared, but somehow your lack of confidence had prevented the flow from the lesson. Singing part it have a good "engertic" and "warm" voice quality, something totally needed by classroom teachers. So, make sure you take advantage of it. Try to sing along with the audio example as much as possible when you have to learn to sing a song. It's not always in tune, but it's not too far... Overall, you just need to show more confidencec in yourself! Be more engaged!
Nince job!