Friday, August 28, 2009


Please read Chapter 1 of the texts and post your response to the following questions on your blog (due on 8/31 by 11:59pm):
1. What is psychomotor learning? Give a musical example.
2. What is cognitive learning? Give a musical example.
3. What is affective learning? Give a musical example.
4. What is the difference between teacher-centered and child-centered learning? Give a musical example.
5.Students learn through a combination of their senses. Some learn fast through visual sense, others may learn more quickly through aural senses. What do you think about your learning style? In general, what kind of learner are you? (In which way, you learn faster and better?)

Make sure in "Title" box, type Assignment#2 and label this assignment as Assignment.


Edith Pacheco said...

Amanda Kelley said...

Assignment #2

1)Psychomotor learning is learning involving mental processes that control muscular activity. One exampled of psychomotor learning is a child playing an instrument, such as the recorder.

2)Cognitive learning deals with the acquisition of knowledge. This involves linking music with the child’s actual musical experience. Using pictures to explain musical symbols or notes can be very helpful when teaching music to children.

3)Affective learning is associated with a “feeling” response to music. Music expresses feelings in the children. One student could really be touched by a song because it talks about his/her heritage in the song.

4)Teacher-centered is when the teacher is a lecturer who presents material to the class by defining and explaining. The teacher basically explains exactly what information she wants the children to know. For example, the teacher would tell the students that each syllable in their name is one eighth note.

Child-centered learning actively involves the students in the learning process. The students try to solve a problem that is given by their teacher. The students use the trial-and-error elimination process to decide on their correct answer. For example, they would listen to a song and decide which song used one beat and which song did not.

5)I am a visual learning. I learn through pictures, charts, and graphs. It is hard for me to read something and correctly interpret the information without thinking about the problem as a picture. It really helps me in this music class when charts are drawn on the board. It helps me focus my attention to the syllabus and relate them to their meaning.