Thursday, February 19, 2009

Alissa Teaching 1


Lauren Kincaid Music 373 said...

I think Alissa had a very good lesson. It was well planned out and very well executed. for musicianship i would give her a 5. She sang with a voice the the kids will be able to relate to and you could tell what song she was singing. For Leadership i would also give her 10. Her voice and tone were very much like i think a grade school teacher would talke, and she had great energy it seemed like she was happy to be teaching her lesson. For Delivery of Instrusction i would give her a 20. She asked very good questions except i would try to leave them more open ended instead of give them two options. She gave very good and easy direction for them to follow, and didn't make them do any 1 thing to many times, so they didn't get bored easily. For preparation i am going to give her a 15. I don't think she looked at her lesson plan once which shows me she took pride in what she was teaching and took the time to memorize it. You could also tell by the activites she did it took her some time to plan her lesson. All and all i think this was a great lesson and can't wait to see her next one! Good job! 50/50!

Sophie JC said...

On behalf of Laura Griffth. This is her comments for Alissa.
Alissa did a great job singing the song, Starlight, Starbright. She knew all the words and the rhythm of the song. The only thing about her musicianship was that she could have used more of her head voice because the pitch of the song is much higher than what she sang it at. She also had good tempo of the song. So for musicianship I would give her a 4/5. Alissa had very good leadership though out the lesson. She had good body language and she was very focused on us, the students. She kept very good tone and volume during the lesson. She also had very good energy as well keeping us intrigued with the lesson. I would give Alissa a 10/10 for her leadership. Her preparation of the lesson was great for her singing lesson. She knew the music very well and didn’t have any problems singing it. She also knew her lesson well and did not need her lesson plan with to look at all. I would give her a 15/15 for her preparation. Alissa did a great job of motivated us as students to learn the song. The lesson also flowed very well, which made it very easy for us to follow along with her. The dance did take a little longer for us to catch on to because it was a little bit confusing at first. But she went over it with us for numerous times, so that we fully understood it. This showed her flexibility during the lesson. She also asked a lot of questions during the lesson such as where stars are, high or low, and when do stars come out. This way we learned more about the song than just the words. He closure was also good because she asked us questions that pertained to what we had just learned about coordination and syllables. I would give her a 19/20 on the delivery of instruction. Alissa’s overall grade for her singing lesson would be a 48/50!