Saturday, February 21, 2009

Colette Teaching 1


Olivia Polinski said...


First off, I want to start by saying excellent job. You really seemed to know what you wanted to say and how to say it. Since you have known this song for very young and were connected to it, I really think that helped you teach it so well.

Now for the evaluation part.

Musicianship I would give you a 4. You have a beautiful singing voice. Throughout the song you held a steady tempo and kept accurate pitches. The one thing you could work on for next time is just singing out and being confident. I understand completely how nerve racking it is to stand in front of the class and sing but you have a pretty voice let that take charge. If you are scared in front of your students they will sense it and might try to walk over you. Honestly good job singing and keeping tempo in front of the class.

Leadership I would rate you at an 8. When you were up in front of the classroom it seemed like you were scared. For next time I would try to make eye contact with you audience while singing and demonstrating, that way you'll look more at ease. Also it was a little hard to hear you at some points. You seem soft spoken, so when in front of the classroom try to talk a little louder than normal. Overall, in this category I would say just be confident (which I know is so hard in front of your classmates or "students"), meet eyes with your audience, talk loud, and look excited. If you look excited your students will be excited and the song you pick was a great song to be happy about.

For preparation I would give you a 15. You seemed very well prepared. You knew your song and motions well. When you sang you hit the different pitches and seemed to have knowledge of the music. The question session at the end seemed like a great way to incorporate a non-musical lesson to what we were singing about.

Last is delivery of Instruction where I would rate you at a 19. You were very easy to follow along with. I knew exactly at all times what I was supposed to be doing and how everything fit together. Your lesson plan had a good flow. I also liked in the beginning how you related the song to you, it gave us a chance to get to know you. The one thing here I would say to do is make sure you review so that your students know what they were suppose to learn also allowing you to make sure they learned what you were teaching. I like the closing activity but maybe add in covering the concepts you were trying to teach.

I just want to say great job. I really enjoyed learning this song and having you present in class.

Connie Potempa said...

I like the song you picked! I think that it helped you be better prepared since you knew it for so long. I enjoyed hearing it again! It has been forever!

Musicianship I would give you a 4. I believe that this was probably one of your strongest areas since you can sing very well and in your "head voice". The only thing that I noticed was that you sang a little fast and I think if it was small children they might not have gotten the lyrics so quickly.
For Leadership I would give you a 8. You had really good body language other than you stood in one place almost the whole time. It was nice how you added the wind and rain hand gestures when you sang it the first time. Your voice tone and volume were perfect. The only thing you might have been able to step up would be the energy. I could tell you had it in you though!
Preparation: I gave you a 14. I only say this because I think that you could have timed yourself to see how long your lesson was because it seemed a little short. You may have been able to expand more on some of the concepts that you wanted to teach. Or slow down a bit and have more intereaction with the students. Good job though!
Delivery of Instruction: I would have given you a 18 because there was a lot of things that I think you could have added. Such as, questioning, feedback to the learners and closure. Other than that good job! I loved it!