Friday, February 20, 2009

Lauren Teaching 1


Alissa said...

I think Lauren did an excellent job presenting her music lesson plan. I would give her a 5/5 for musicianship. She sang the song with accurate rythm and the appropraite tempo. She could have sung it in a little higher pitch, but overall I think she did very well in the music area. Next, for leadership Lauren gets a 10/10. She was very enthusiastic and had alot of energy, which is exactly what a grade school class needs. She was able to keep her students attention the entire time while using the appropriate tone of voice and volume. She made eye contact with all of her students and payed attention to each of their movements they were making. Next, for preparation I give Lauren a 13/15. She was able to relate the song to the students real life with singing this song at birthday parties and at the rollar skating rink. This familarizes thes students with what the learning and allows them to get a better grasp of the song. But, she could have been more prepared with the c.d. Lauren was unware of the pause inbetween some of the versus or where one line came directly after the next. You could tell she had not listened to the c.d. before hand and she could have been better prepared if she had. On the other hand, she did a good job cueing the students of what body part came next before they were to sing that line of the song. This shows that she had the song memorized and was able to coordinate the movements along with it. Finally, for delivery of instruction Lauren gets a 20/20. She was great at capturing her students attention and was very motivating. Her sequence of steps flowed very smoothly and her instruction was very clear throughout the entire teaching process. Even though she was not aware of the pauses on the c.d. she was flexible with it and able to jump right back in with the song. Her closure was very reflective and not only asked verbal questions but asked them to demonstrate the answers. This shows that the students clearly learned their right from left and different body parts. My overall score for Lauren is 48/50. I think she was a very affective teacher and had excellent engery!

Anonymous said...
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Sophie JC said...

on behalf of Laura... her comments for Lauren:
Lauren did very well on musicianship. She knew the song well and she was in tune with the song with accurate pitch. She also had good tempo and rhythm with the song. I would give her a 5/5 on musicianship. She did very well leading the class for this lesson. She had a lot of energy though out the lesson. She had good tone and volume as well which is helped keep the students on text. The only thing that should have been done differently would be asking yes or no questions and saying deal, which questions shouldn’t be yes or no. I would give her 10/10 on the leadership section. Lauren had a good knowledge of the music and lyrics of the song. She knew her plan for the lesson but looked at her notes several times which caused her to stop during the singing part of the lesson. She was not prepared with the CD that she used during the lesson. I’m not sure if she had not listened to the CD before because at certain parts she did not know there was a pause or what body part was going be used in that verse. I would give her a 12/15 for preparation. She paced the lesson well didn’t go to fast or too slow. Lauren’s energy helped motivate the students and got them involved. The steps of her lesson flowed well going from one point to the next, building on what was coming next. There wasn’t much feedback to the students that was specific. She was also very focused on the lessons. Her closure was done well because she recapped with some questions about the lesson at the end.