Friday, February 20, 2009

Nick Teaching 1


Stephanie LaMantia said...

Evaluation Form for Nick
Lesson Plan: Teaching the song "Row Row Row Your Boat"
Sing in a round
Musicianship (5 pts): 5
I thought that Nick did an excellent job singing in a voice appropriate for young children, especially since he is a guy. He was very in tune and easy to follow. He knew how to keep a steady beat and tempo that children could follow.

Leadership (10 pts): 10
Nick always had constant eye contact with the students and talked in a voice appropriate for children. He knew what he was doing and was confident when teaching his lesson.

Preparation (15 pts): 15
Nick seemed very prepared for his presentation. He knew his music and how he wanted to teach "Row Row Row Your Boat" in a round. He even had his presentation memorized and didn't need his written lesson plan.

Delivery of Instruction (20 pts): 19
Nick did an excellent job with continually asking the students questions throughout his presentation. He really had the students interacting with the teacher and each other. He always showed his students what he wanted them to do and made his lesson creative. I thought that it was creative that we all had to get into "boats" and row to a specific destination. I liked how Nick asked the students where they would like to travel and how they needed to get there.

Total: 49

Emilie said...

Evaluation for Nick
Lesson Plan: Teaching "Row Row Row Your Boat"
Musicianship (5 points): 5
Nick did a great job singing in tune and keeping the correct rhythm or the song. His voice is great for young children to follow since it is so calming. He kept the steady beat well while also keeping the tempo at a speed children can follow.

Leadership (10 points): 10
Nick kept eye contact with the entire class and spoke appropriately for the grade level. Throughout the lesson, Nick was confident of his movements and voice.

Preparation (15 points): 15

Nick did not rely on his lesson plan at all during the lesson. He knew the nuances of the music he taught as well as the how he wanted to teach that particular song. His lesson plan was extremely prepared for his lesson.

Delivery of Instruction(20 pts): 19
Nick did very well at motivating the students and keeping our attention. He sequenced the steps of the lesson very well to keep the students from getting bored with any one thing. The pace of the lesson was good and kept interest in the song rather than the children getting distracted by different objects in the room. His use of rowing to different places was a good method to use in the lesson plan.

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