Sunday, October 4, 2009

Amanda K


Melanie Chambers said...

I think Amanda did a great job explaining the instructions to the children so they would know what to do. I also think it was a good idea to have the children learn the hand movements and only do them the first time she sang the song. She showed great leadership to the children. She had good eye contact, and was sure to use a clear loud tone of voice. She showed that she had knowledge of the music and lesson plan that she was teaching. She kept a very steady pace in the lesson. She was able to sing the song with accurate pitch and rhythm. I think she should be sure to question the children as she goes to make sure that they have a correct understanding what they were doing. I also think that she could make sure and let the children know what the focus of the lesson is and exactly what skills they are practicing. I would give Amanda a 47/50.

Amanda Kelley said...

I really knew my lesson, inside and out. I feel that it was the best thing that I did to prepare to teach my lesson. I had some family issues that week and I actually wrote my lesson the day before I taught it. However, I think that I really pulled through and taught my lesson well. I memorized each part of my lesson entirely, so I knew exactly what to say and look for in assessing my students. I think I had great positive energy and body language. I made eye contact with the class and tried to keep the energy up. I tried to sing in tune, with an accurate pitch. I was very motivating, cheerful, and tried to capture my student's attention. I remembered to assess throughout teaching my lesson and at the end. I think I did a good job teaching my lesson because I really knew the material. I memorized the song and the lesson. I Should have written my lesson way before I taught it. I somehow pulled it together and taught it well. However, I think that if I would have prepared my lesson ahead of time that it would have went more smooth. I think I should have had the children move move in my lesson. Yes, they did had movements. However, I should have added more locomotion to the song. Maybe the children could have moved around more, rather than stand in a circle. I could have tried to sing the song in a better pitch. If I were given another change to re-do it again, I would have written my lesson way before I was suppose to teach it. I was really nervous because I thought that I would forget parts. It would have been so much easier if I would have had more time to practice in front of people. I did practice on the way to class. I had my friend Kelly pretend that she was the student and I taught my whole lesson to her. If I were to practice in that way more, I think I would have not been so nervous. I also touched my my a few times when I was teaching. It was a nervous habit and on camera it looks silly. If I would have practiced more, that would have not happened. I would give myself a 48/50.

lauren Martin said...

I am so impressed by Amanda's lesson. Right away i was intrigued and excited to watch the rest of her lesson because she seemed so happy and exuberant to teach. I really like how she started of the lesson teaching the hand movements and going over the verses of the songs a few times. Everyone seemed to memorize the verses well because she explained them thoroughly and went at a stable place for all the student's. I like how Amanda's song incorporated everyone at all times and at no point was one person left out of the song. Her voice was very pleasant and easy to listen to during the lesson but some student's how are easily distracted may not be able to follow the song so well. Maybe in the future a louder more confident voice would be better, that way the attention of the class would be undoubtedly on Amanda and their would be no room for student's to wander off. I like that everyone was singing all together and in the same pitch, you really did a great job of making sure everyone knew the song well and the hand movements, they were very cute! I was also impressed that you paid constant attention to the students, i did not see you take your eyes off of them for an instant, you were very attentive and genuine. I would give Amanda a 49/50 because watching the video i can really tell that she put a lot of effort into her lesson.