Sunday, October 4, 2009

Linnea M


Anonymous said...

a) I think that my leadership was the best. I had good body language, facial expressions, and eye contact. I also tried to keep the energy level high in the room for the students. To prepare for this, I practiced calling on students and teaching in front of a mirror.
b) I think I could have done better on my delivery when the students added their own names into the song. It was hard for me to work in any other rythmic pattern besides what was already there, which was difficult for the students to understand.
c) If I could do it all over again, I would probably change my written plan so that it would corespond more with what I wanted to teach. I did change it when I was teaching because it worked out better in the situation, but I think that is how most teaching goes.

Julie Montalbano said...

I think she taught well and had great energy, but I wonder if the lesson was age appropriate. I would give her a 5 out of 5 on musicianship. She was in tune with an accurate pitch, demonstrated accurate rhythm, appropriate tempo, good phrasing, and good expression. Also a 10 out of 10 in leadership because she took over the classroom well and did not show any signs of being shy. She looked very confident. She also looked very prepared. I would give her a 15 out of 15, she had the dog ready and she appeared to know all her steps. I would only give her a 15 out of 20 on the delivery. Because of 2 reasons: the age-appropriate factor, and a mistake. She said the lesson was for first graders and it seemed a little too advanced for that age. She discussed meter, which I did not learn until at least 5th grade. Also, in the lesson, during the line "bow wow wow" she had a quarter,quarter, quarter, rest. However, when she sang the song, she did not rest, she held the word "wow" so it should really have been quarter, quarter, half. She did have a good use of the board and she incorporated an earlier lesson we learned. She also knew everybody's name which is more that I can say. Overall, good job. 45 out of 50.

Natalie Grote said...

Linnea did a very good job for the first time teaching a music lesson to a group of her peers. There were many things that she did which were good but there are also some things that with work she could improve to make her presentation better. In the first section which was musicianship I would give her 4 out of 5. She did a very nice job with her tone and pitch which she sang in the song. One thing that she really needs to watch is make sure that she keeps that steady beat and does not speed up while teaching the song. In the leadership section I would give her a 10 out of 10. She had amazing energy while teaching which gave her a lot of intensity to keep the students into what she is teaching. In preparation she did a very good job so I would give her 15 out of 15. She even went to the board and wrote down the song and had the kids work with her finding that notes which went along with the words of the song. In the last section I would give her 18 out of 20. One thing that she really needs to work on is her questioning skills. Every time that a student answered a question she responded with “good job”. With the little changes Linnea will be a great teaching so overall I would give her 47 out of 50.