Sunday, October 4, 2009

Natalie G


Julie Montalbano said...

I really liked this activity. She did a great job coming up with a craft, a song, and a game all in one. However, I believe she could have explained what she wanted of the students better when introducing the craft. I would give her a 5 out of 5 in musicianship becuase she was in tune with an accurate pitch, had a accurate rhythm, and appropriate tempo, good phrasing, and a good expression. I would give her a 10 out of 10 in leadership as well. She had good body language, a good facial expression, good voice tone and volume, good eye contact, and good energy. She was interacting with the students well. I would also give her a 15 out of 15 in preparation. It appeared to me her lesson was well-prepared and she knew it well. I would give her an 18 out of 20 in delivery of instruction. She knew it well, but she could have delivered further instruction with the craft. She also did not mention what age group it was. She also could have showed her students what the 2 notes look like before she expected them to make them in craft. She also could have done some follow up questions. I think overall she had a really cute activity and incorporated a lot of material in a short time. 48 out of 50, good job!

Anonymous said...

I thought Natalie did a great job with her lesson plan. I really enjoyed the craft, the song, and the game she threw in with it to help the students learn it. I believe she deserves 5 points in musicianship because she was in tune, had an accurate rythm, appropriate tempo, phrasing, and expression. She deserves a 10 in leadership for her body language, facial expression, voice tone, volume, eye contact, and energy. Natalie deserves a 14 in preparation because I think she could have done a little better with her written plan. There were a lot of pauses and silence where I felt nothing was happening, which could be dull for some children; I also did not know what age the students were, so that made it difficult for me to judge whether this was an appropriate task for the age group. I think that Natalie deserves a 19 for her delivery because her craft instruction was not as strong as it could have been. It would have been better if she had described it to her students a little more. Her overall performace was excellent! And, her ideas were fun for an elementary class.

Natalie Grote said...

I feel that I did a really good job but there were something that I could have worked on that would have made my presentation better. In the first section which was musicianship I believe that I should get a 5 out of 5. I really think that during the time which I sang the song I stayed on pitch and the rhythm of the song was also on beat. For the next section I think that I get a 9 out of 10. I think that I was moving around and getting all the kids into the lesson but I think that I could have put a little more energy into it making it easier for the students to keep their attention to what I am trying to teach them. In the prepation section I think that I should get a 9 out of 10. One thing which I took a lot of time to do was to make the packages which I handed out to each of the students. One thing that I think I need to work on is the end when I am doing the closer to down with the question to make everything flow a lot easier. In the last section I would give myself 18 out of 20. There were many things that I did to help the flow of the lesson but there was some down time when other students finish and other didn’t have anything to do which made me lose some of them for the time being while other students finished what they were doing. Going over the notes would have help to but I feel that I felt really rushed for time which made me speed and finish things to make sure that I stayed in the time frame. Overall, I would give maybe 46 out of 50.